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http://fujian.hteacher.net 2023-04-26 16:01 福建教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]


Simon was not a handsome dog. He had been our family’s first pet. Our girls wept when he passed away. My husband and I tried not to let them see our tears but as we climbed into bed that night without Simon, we cried.

I have had a few dogs, but Simon was the best. He trained himself. He never ate any shoes and never dug in the garden. However, one time I discovered a mess on the carpet. “Simon”, I asked, with strong voice, “what is this?” His expression was shameless.

Ten months after Simon died, I started looking for another dog. I searched every rescue site for a puppy. I was becoming more desperate but my husband wasn’t. When I floated the idea of a larger dog, he said he didn’t want an 85-pound animal in his bed.

I found a black female puppy and our girls fell in love with her. My husband was particularly happy. Yet my heart didn’t open to her as I assumed it would. As I set about training her, I accidentally praised her with “good baby”. I caller her Simon so many times. A friend said “Her name is Scout. You have to say her name.”

Perhaps my expectations were unrealistic. After all, Simon and I developed a groove over 13 years. Had I made a mistake by getting a puppy? Would I ever feel the same way about Scout as I did about Simon?

I looked forward to her getting bigger. Though I overfilled Scout’s food fish, she remained small. Her fur was nothing like Simon’s coat. But seriously, what difference did any of this make? I asked myself. Did I expect Scout to replace him?

I glanced over at her as she lay beside my desk. She was cute, but she had ruined two of her collars, a TV remote and a pair of shoes. Last week, she jumped up on a man’s legs, though I firmly shouted “OFF, Scout!”

I was ashamed of how often I had said to her, “Simon would never have done that.” Thankfully, she didn’t understand.

When we return from our walk this morning, I scooped her up into my arms. “You are half the dog Simon was,” I whispered in her ear as I gave her a kiss, trying my best to love her as much as I did to Simon.

21. Why did the family feel sad that night?

A. Simon ran away from home.

B. Simon messed the carpet up.

C. Simon was shameless.

D. Simon was gone.


【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三、四句“Our girls wept when he passed away. My husband and I tried not to let them see our tears but as we climbed into bed that night without Simon, we cried(他去世时,我们的女儿们哭了。我丈夫和我尽量不让他们看到我们的眼泪,但当那天晚上没有西蒙的时候,我们爬上床时,我们哭了)”可知,作者一家感到悲伤的原因是因为Simon去世了。故选D。

22. Why did the author think of raising a larger dog?

A. It was hard to find a puppy at rescue sites.

B. Simon was extremely hard to train.

C. Her husband disliked a puppy.

D. She preferred a larger dog.


【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二至四句“I searched every rescue site for a puppy. I was becoming more desperate but my husband wasn’t. When I floated the idea of a larger dog, he said he didn’t want an 85-pound animal in his bed(我在每个救助站搜寻小狗。我变得越来越绝望,但我丈夫却没有。当我想到养一只更大的狗时,他说他不想让一只85磅重的动物躺在床上)”可知,作者之所以想要养一只更大的狗,是因为她在宠物救助站没有找到小狗。故选A。

23. What does the underlined word “groove” in paragraph 5 probably mean?

A. Guidance. B. Habit.

C. Rule. D. Contact.



24. Which of the following best describes the author’s feeling toward Scout?

A. Excited. B. Worried.

C. Mixed. D. Surprised.


【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第四段第三至五句“Yet my heart didn’t open to her as I assumed it would. As I set about training her, I accidentally praised her with ‘good baby’. I caller her Simon so many times(然而,我的心并没有像我想象的那样向她敞开。当我开始训练她时,我不小心称赞了她一句‘好孩子’。我多次喊她Simon)”、第五段第一句“Perhaps my expectations were unrealistic(也许我的期望是不切实际的)”、第八段“I was ashamed of how often I had said to her, ‘Simon would never have done that.’ Thankfully, she didn’t understand(我很惭愧我经常对她说,‘西蒙永远不会那样做。’谢天谢地,她不明白)”以及最后一段的内容可知,作者对于Scout的心情是复杂的。故选C。

25. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Scout was half the size of Simon.

B. Scout would be well received in the family.

C. The family fell in love with Scout at first sight.

D. It’s hard for a pet to become a part of a family.










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