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小学英语《Can I help you?》试讲稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2019-04-16 13:08 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]

T:Good morning,boys and girls. How is it going?

S: Fine, and you?

T: I am fine too, thank you.


T:Before we start our lesson, I want you guys to watch a video first. When you have finished, you have to tell me what it is about. Ok, now , here is the video.

T: Ok, guys, the video is over, who can tell me what the people in the video are talking about? Well, Jack you please.

S: I see ... there is a clothes store, and there are a girl and a boy, so I guess maybe they are talking about buying clothes.

T: Good job, my pretty boy, you are so clever, but if you can be more confident, it will be better.

T: Guys, as we all see just now, today, we are going to talk about how to buy clothes in foreign country. Let’s start a new lesson together.(write the title)

Step2: Presentation&Explanation

T: Now, I will read the dialogue in the video for you twice and you should pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation of the dialogue. At the same time, try to find out the underlined sentences with falling tone and rising tone respectively. Now, listen...(teacher read the dialogue)

T: Ok, who can tell me in which sentences I have used the rising tone? Ok, Sophie, you please.

S: “Can I help you?”

T: Clever girl. What else?

S: That’s all.

T: Good. Actually, there is only one sentence with rising tone, you can see this is a general question sentence introduced by “can”, so guys, remember, in general question sentence, we usually use rising tone. So, read after me please. “Can I help you”.

S: Repeat.

T: Good, now it’s turn to falling tone. Which sentences have you found?

S: the rest are all in falling tone.

T: Excellent. We can see there are four underlined sentences, among them, “What color is it” and “How much is it”, they are all special questions, so we’d better use falling tone to stress the interrogatives. And for the rest two sentences, they are all declarative sentences, so we just need to read it with falling tone.

Can I help you?



Rising tone: general question  Can I help you?

Falling tonespecial question  How much is it

           declarative question  Here you are

Step3: Practice

T: Ok, now, let’s practice it. When I read these sentences one by one, you should read after me. Let’s start.

S: Repeat.

T: Quite good. Now, I will read some sentences to you, and you need to judge whether their intonation is right. Listen, first one, “What can I do for you?” Right or wrong? Elena, you please.

S: It’s wrong, it’s a special question, so we should use falling tone, not rising tone.

T: Do you agree with her other guys?

S: ...

T: Good. Another sentence, listen. She is a very charming woman. Right or wrong?

S: ...

T: Excellent, this is a declarative sentence, so we need to use falling tone.


Step4: Production

T: Well done, guys. It seems that you have mastered the basic intonation in English. So, to praise you, let’s have a role play together. Now, I will divide you guys into several groups, four people in a group, imagine you are in a clothes store, one student act as the shop assistant, the others act as the clients, you will have a conversation. Which group performs better will get a present I have prepared, you will have ten minutes to prepare for it. Ok, now, you can start.

S: ...

T: Ok, time is up, which group wants to show to us? The first group, you please, come here.

S: ...

T:Good performance. But pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation, Mike, we should read the sentence “How much is it” with a falling tone, because it is a special question. Guys, you are all really good actors, so, here is a doll for you, the other groups, I hope you can do it better next time.

Step5: Summary&Homework

T: How time flies, class is almost over, this class, we have learned the intonation in English, so after class, I hope you can practice more and pay attention to your intonation in your daily communication. Only in this way, can you practice a good English pronunciation. Ok, class is over, good-bye, guys.



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